How to write a brief that gets the best out of your marketing agency

A well-crafted brief is key to the success of a marketing project, campaign or delivery of great creative. A brief provides a clear for your agency, making sure that everyone understands your goals, target audience and intended outcomes. Here’s a guide to what you should include in your brief.

Define your goals

  • Set clear objectives: What do you want to achieve? Increase sales, boost brand awareness or generate leads. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound or SMART goals is a good framework for helping you to set these.

  • Set measurable KPIs: What does success look like and how will you track and measure it. Consider metrics like website traffic, social media engagement, or conversion rates.

  • Identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach? Create detailed buyer personas to understand their needs and preferences.

Communicate your brand

  • Outline your brand identity: What are your brand values, personality, and tone of voice?

  • Share brand guidelines: Provide assets like logos, color palettes, and typography to ensure consistency.

  • Explain your unique selling proposition (USP): What sets you apart from competitors?

Provide background information

  • Company overview: Briefly describe your business, history, and mission. How does this relate to your project.

  • Market analysis: Share relevant market data, trends, and competitor insights.

  • Previous marketing efforts: Highlight successful campaigns and lessons learned.

Outline the project scope

  • Describe the project: Clearly outline the marketing initiative (e.g., product launch, rebranding, social media campaign). What’s the background or context? Why are you undertaking this project now?

  • Set a timeline: Establish project deadlines and key milestones.

  • Define budget: Clearly communicate your budget constraints.

  • Desired outcomes: Specify the results you hope to achieve (e.g., increased website traffic, higher conversion rates).

  • Preferred channels: Indicate which marketing channels you prioritise (e.g., social media, email, content marketing).

  • Style and tone: Communicate your preferred style and tone for marketing materials.

  • Project deliverables: Specify the final outputs you expect (e.g., social media posts, website content, video).

Include essential details

  • Contact information: Provide contact details for key stakeholders.

  • Review process: Outline how you'll provide feedback and make decisions.

Tips for writing an effective brief

  • Be clear and concise: Avoid jargon and unnecessary details.

  • Provide supporting materials: Include relevant images, data, or research.

  • Collaborate with stakeholders: Involve key team members to ensure everyone is aligned.

  • Be open to feedback: Welcome input from your agency to refine the brief.

By following these guidelines, you'll create a comprehensive brief that empowers your marketing agency to deliver exceptional results. A well structured brief can make a huge difference to the success of your project.


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